GGD Amsterdam
The Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD Amsterdam) is one of my foremost clients. I designed posters, folders, questionnaires and reports for the GGD. For my designs I often have to follow the corporate identity guidelines of the municipality of Amsterdam. But some designs are on behalf of multiple public health services and since there is no national Public Health Service identity, these designs are free-standing.

Opvoedpoli and CareExpress
These are also returning clients. I designed their corporate magazine 'Karakteristiek' but also make posters, folders, and (online) banners.

Also for IVN (Instituut Voor Natuureducatie en duurzaamheid / Institute for Nature education and sustainability)
I design folders, posters, flyers and (online) banners.
I design folders, posters, flyers and (online) banners.
