Fikkie the Firefighter (2017)
In the beginning of 2017 I designed a small exhibition about radio plays and the story of "Fikkie the Firefighter" in particular. The exhibition existed of 3 audio poles and a 33 feet long wall with background stories and prints from the picture book that comes with the audio play Fikkie the Firefighter, when you buy it.
Depots (2015)
For the 3 depots of the Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision I designed panels about the history of media. During the guided tours people can take a look at these timelines for some extra information.
Voorbij het Nieuws (2014)
For the exhibition Voorbij het Nieuws I made the timeline and text blocks. The original design is made bij Chris Koolmees.
Leven met Oranje
In 2013 the Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision exposed their archival material about the Dutch royal house.
Windows and audiopoles Top2000 (2014)
Signing Kijkbuiskinderen (2013)